How to find the best chiropractor near me?
How to find the best chiropractor near me? For over 20 years our clinic has been helping people I’ve always been amazed how people hear about us, and find us. But how do you find the best chiropractor near you? And by best I mean the best one to suit ...

Botox for migraines: Should I consider it?
Botox for migraines: Should I consider it? Every year we have patients attending who have had in the past, (or still have) botox injections to help their migraines. Yup, it’s the same stuff celebs use to smooth out their wrinkles that may be your ticket to migraine relief? That's right, ...

Cervicogenic tension headache relief (cervicogenic cephalgia): What are the options?
Cervicogenic tension headache relief (cervicogenic cephalgia): What are the options? Have you ever suffered from a terrible pain at the base of your skull, travelling up to your forehead and temples? If so, you might be dealing with a cervicogenic tension headache otherwise know as cervicogenic cephalgia. Don't worry, you're ...

What are the disadvantages of a chiropractor?
What are the disadvantages of a chiropractor? As a Chiropractor I am commonly asked about the side effects and risks of Chiropractic. Today I will be focusing on the potential drawbacks. But don't worry, we'll also touch on the benefits to give you a well-rounded perspective. Now, you might be ...

How do chiropractors or osteopaths know where to adjust?
How do chiropractors or osteopaths know where to adjust? Patients are always amazed how chiropractors or osteopaths seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to finding those troublesome spots in your body? It's not magic, I promise! Let me explain chiropractic and uncover the secrets behind their seemingly ...

How to self adjust your own low back
How to self adjust your own low back Let's face it, we've all been there. That nagging ache in your lower back that just won't quit, making you want to twist and turn until you hear that satisfying 'pop'. It's tempting, isn't it? The idea of being your own chiropractor, ...

Ice or Heat packs for Low Back Pain? Which is best?
Ice or Heat packs for Low Back Pain? Which is best? A very common question we get at the clinic is “which is better, heat or ice?” In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of both ice and heat therapy for low back pain, helping you make ...

Chiropractic Training and Qualifications: Everything You Need to Know.
Chiropractic Training and Qualifications: Everything You Need to Know. You may have heard chiropractors do lots of training before they qualify? In this guide, we'll explore the world of chiropractic training and qualifications, giving you all the information you need to understand this fascinating field. The Path to Becoming a ...

How to choose and find a Local Chiropractor.
How to choose and find a Local Chiropractor Are you experiencing low back pain or sciatica? So are many other people. Finding the right healthcare professional to address your concerns is crucial. Some of our patients travel over an hour to have treatment with us, others just 2 minutes. There ...