Chiropractor Kingswinford
Chiropractic Kingswinford

Kingswinford Chiropractor

Our Chiropractic clinic is located approximately 2 miles from Kingswinford. It is easiest to get to using the A449 (and takes approximately 8 minutes depending on the time of day. Oliver Crawford the principle Chiropractor at Wollaston Spinal Health makes this commute every day (as he lives in Kingswinford).


Common problems we help people with include low back pain, neck pain, cervicogenic headaches, and headache migraines. Low back pain is by far the most common problem the community from Kingswinford presents with. This severe problem can be very limiting for the customer, and is commonly associated with referred pain, or pins and needles or numbness.


A Chiropractor in Kingswinford (or any area) uses gentle pushes on the spine to re-align the spinal levels, and promote health and healing in the body. This means fast, rapid relief from bad low back pain.


In order to be treated at the Chiropractic clinic it would be necessary to book in for a consultation. This is essentially a detailed medical history, followed by an examination to find what is causing the low back pain. Following that the Chiropractor would sit down and explain the findings of the examination and offer treatment if indicated.